Our muzzles have a purpose-built treat hole so you can easily continue your training while wearing. Remember - a muzzle is a management tool, not a training solution.
Muzzles should fit and feel good - ours look good too (but that’s only half the story). Our muzzles are designed to give your dog freedom to be a dog! Dogs wearing muzzles shouldn’t live restricted lives or miss out on all the doggy things they can do without one. Which is why our muzzles are:
If your dog needs to wear a muzzle while in training or due to breed specific legislation, we believe they should still be able to sniff, eat, drink, pant and even vomit without restriction.
It depends on how they fit and how they’re introduced. A well fitting muzzle allows a dog freedom to do more than they potentially could without one. If your dog is a bite risk, a banned breed, or in training - a muzzle may allow them to live a fuller life safely.
But if that muzzle doesn’t allow them room to breathe and pant normally, wearing it will be an unpleasant experience. If your dog can’t drink or receive a treat when out and about, it will hinder training and prevent natural behaviours - including sniffing and vomiting.
Our muzzles have a purpose-built treat hole so you can easily continue your training while wearing. Remember - a muzzle is a management tool, not a training solution.
Our muzzle accessories help to make your dog’s muzzle extra comfy. Add a chin loop + a muzzle strap + a head strap to secure and reduce the risk of rubbing and chafing.
For extra peace of mind and control, add a grab hand + safety strap + muzzle stop to your dog’s muzzle order - and breathe a sign of relief… your escape artist is safe.
We don’t size our muzzles by breed - because it’s super important that your dog gets a spot-on fit so they can enjoy all the freedom and comforts they deserve while wearing their muzzle.
Grab a measuring tape, some cheese or treats, and prepare to find your dog’s perfect muzzle fit in minutes.
Once you’ve found your perfect dog muzzle fit, the muzzle training begins. Our muzzles are hand finished, hand painted, and take between 2-4 weeks for delivery. But that’s a good thing!
Because for your dog to comfortably wear their new muzzle, it needs to be introduced slowly. And that means muzzle training (which you can start without a muzzle).
We are The Muzzle Movement, we aren't here to just sell a product. We are here fighting to create a shift in the public's perception of muzzled dogs and their guardians.
Dogs who wear muzzles aren’t bad - and we use our platform to educate and advocate for dogs that don't have a voice of their own, to make a safer space for our community of muzzled dog advocates.
We hope that one day, all muzzled dogs and their guardians will be celebrated and muzzles be normalised.
But, in order for that to happen, we had to also make sure that muzzles were no longer dark, scary and intimidating and that they better met the needs of the dogs that wear them.
Who said muzzles had to look so scary? Because the dogs that wear them certainly aren't!