Up to 70% off featured items.
The products featured in this listing may have defects and the collars come in varying sizes not our standard sizing.
Please note that these items are non-returnable but are considerably discounted to account for any imperfections.
Defects that may appear on collars and leads -
- Small marks on the item
- Small paint marks
- Biothane may not be completely straight
- Holes may not be level
- The size of a collar will be completely random - please check the listing for sizing
- Dent marks in the rivets
- Discontinued Biothane colours
Defects that may appear on Scavenger guards -
- Small surface holes
- Raised Lines
- Small marks
- Scratched surface lines

Want to see our upcoming sizes?
We have a number of muzzles at different stages of production, that you can pre-order now, without being charged!
We are always designing and prototyping, so you will need to check back here regularly to see if we have the size you are waiting for! Or you can sign up to our mailing list to be nofitied whenever a new size is released for pre order.